Monday, March 30, 2020

The Darkness Can Hide in Small Decisions

The words "young" and "old" are loaded words.

The darkness loves to use them.

To keep humans in a box.
In fear of fulfilling a destiny.

In coaching I often hear, "I'm too old or I'm too young."
When I hear these words, a fire burns in my soul.

Chronological age is the most overused excuse in the book of life.

Jesus was the master of non-judgement and grace.
What an example and wonderful way to live.

Why do we still give chronological age so much power?
We are here until we are gone.
Why stop living?

I challenge you to leave someone grace today on our glorious planet earth.

Give GRACE to the words young and old. Watch and wait.

Their power will disappear.
Your light will shine bright again.

I think I see you now!

Much Love,

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